GrandmasterA (Admin) Wissensch.. äh Hufschmied Threadstarter
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Bob Gale war am 27.+28. März in Paris, um dort seinen Film "Interstate 60" vorzustellen. Manu von und einige andere Fans waren auch dort und hatten das grosse Glück, Bob persönlich zu treffen und sogar ein kleines Interview mit ihm zu führen!
Die haben auch immer ein Glück!
» Story und Fotos vom Treffen (» Deutsche Systran-Übersetzung)
» Interview als MP3 downloaden (4,27 MB)
Das Englisch von Manu ist etwas schwer zu verstehen, deshalb hier das ganze nochmal zum nachlesen
Manu:Hi Mr. Gale, i'm the webmaster of, in january you did an interview on the internet, about the BTTF Trilogy, but I couldn't be there, so can I ask you some questions about Back to the Future?
Bob Gale: Of course!
Manu: 1st question, could the actors make suggestions about the scripts?
Bob Gale: oh... not too much, we always told them that if they needed to change a little bit of the dialog bacause it was easier for them to say it that way, that was ok. But the movies were so involved together, that we couldn't let anybody improvise because it would be wrong for the movie.
Manu: If all the actors of BTTF, including Michael J. Fox were ok to make a BTTF4, would you agree to?
Bob Gale: Michael J. Fox isn't healthy enough to make one so...
Manu: but with the other actors?
Bob Gale: we would have to have MJF, if we don't have MJF, it's not Back to the Future. So there's no answer to the question because it's like saying "what if Hitler had been assassinated, would would europe be like today?". I don't know. Can't answer the question...
Manu: would you be tempted to write BTTF4 as a book?
Bob Gale: huh no...
Manu: Are there other periods where you would have liked to send Marty and Doc?
Bob Gale: We considered a story which would involve the childhood of Doc Brown, it would have been in the 1920's-30's in USA, where they were gangsters and prohibition, legal alcohol, so that was an idea that we had and that would have been a fun movie to make.
Manu: ok, last question: when will the new DVDs of BTTF arrive?
Bob Gale: in the states they should be ready for shipping now, because 3 weeks ago they sent me the test disks and they were perfect.
Manu: and in Europe?
Bob Gale: I don't know, I don't get to talk to them, to the european distributors.
Celine: was the character of Michael J. Fox in Interstate 60, inspired by Alex P. Keaton from Family Ties?
Bob Gale: in this movie? not exactly, MJF said when he came on the set "I wanna make this guy act like a baby" and it was the right choice, he started doing it and everybody was laughing so hard...
Celine: i think he looks like Alex P. Keaton...
Bob Gale: yeah... it is sorta Alex Keaton grown up, it was one reason he wanted to do the movie it's because he said "I've never played a complete jerk before."
Manu: Thank you Mr Gale...
Bob Gale: you're welcome!