Onkelpsycho Zeitreisender
Posts: 179
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Gefallen mir durchaus die Schuhe, mal sehn ob ich an welche drankomme.
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Hi Xxxxxxxx,
I understand your desire to see these shoes available to everyone at retail!
Yes, we recently offered this shoe. It was a Quickstrike that went to a very limited number of urban accounts in VERY limited quantities on July 2nd, 2008. Your best bet to find this shoe would be at Undefeated in Santa Monica 310.399.4195, however, it is likely sold out by now.
Ash, I wish that I could answer your question as to "why" Nike chooses not to release this shoe as a general release. This information is proprietary and not available as it is considered a marketing strategy. Stay tuned though, I have a feeling that more is to come!
Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you and have a great day.
Richten wir unser augenmerk auf Stay tuned though, I have a feeling that more is to come!. Ist nicht viel, aber es könnte etwas Hoffnung durchschimmern. Wenn Nike sieht was das fürn Hype ist/war, vielleicht kriegen wir dann doch noch regulär hergestellte Schuhe, unlimitiert und zu (relativ) normalen Preisen (vor allem ausserhalb Ebays).
Hoffen wir das Beste.