Elvis Zeitreisepilot Threadstarter
Posts: 361
Rang: Profi-Zeitreisender
Hallo Leute,
Edoardo aus Sizilien und ein paar weitere Jungs aus Italien laden zum ersten italienischen Delorean und ZIDZ-Meeting ein. Er bat mich dies hier zu posten weil er mit dem Deutsch so seine Probleme hat.
Schaut mal auf der Site vorbei, die Jungs sind aucht gut drauf, haben sogar schon ein Stück der Verfolgungsszene nachgefilmt
Here we ware:
Hi Everybody!
I'm glad to let you know that the DeLorean Italian Club (http://www.outatime.it/delorean/) is planning the first meeting in Italy.
It will take place in RIMINI neighbourhood (north Italy, about 125 Km from Bologna) in JULY 2005 (probably first half of July).
The event will be open for everybody owns a DeLorean car.
We will offer *FREE* accommodation for any visitors.
People from European countries are always welcome!
Reservation is necessary because we have to set up everything on time.
For further info please feel free to contact NICOLA MARCACCINI (Italian or English only)
Website forum: http://www.outatime.it/forum/forum.asp?f=1
E-mail: nfm@outatime.it (please write the object as "DeLorean meeting")
Thanks for the kind attention
It's about time...
See you in the future!