Parafoxon suparafoxonexpialigetisch
Posts: 331
Rang: Profi-Zeitreisender
Durch nen Link von IMDB bin ich auf diesen FIlm aufmerksam geworden:
This tiny film (made for about $7000) is one of the most inventive of the past few years. But beware, for unless you’re in a soduku-solving mindset, you may be in for hell. The film concerns two engineers, who accidentally create a device that can travel a person back in time (but not forward). Sounds simple, but things get confusing when you realise that the people you’re watching may not be the “originals”, and that at any given time there’s a number of “copies” wandering around, all trying to avoid each other. Oh, and none of this is explicitally revealed. When sober and healthy, trying to figure out this movie is already testing on your mental facilities. When ill, I can only image the film will somehow cause a spontaneous cranial implosion.
Hat den schon einer gesehen?