Cyphox Zeitreisender
Posts: 18
Rang: Zeitleitung eingeschaltet
das is Telltale, die veröffentlichen ihre Spiele normalerweise immer erst selbst über ihre Website. Die brauchen nicht sofort externe Publisher.
Bei Sam & Max Season 1 + 2 hat die Lokalisierung ewig gedauert, zwischen Release von original + deutscher Version von Tales of Monkey Island is auch ein ganzes Jahr vergangen.
Kann schon sein, dass die das aufgrund des großen Namens schon viel früher planen etc., aber wenn schon n Publisher gefunden wär, würde man das doch wissen. Warum sollten die da n Geheimnis draus machen??
Ich zitier mal ne Meinung dazu ausm Telltale-Forum, von Vainamoinen:
Rest assured, that is a bad joke of a fake. If you were a professional voice actor, you'd never share information like that to the general public as it would SERIOUSLY damage your reputation. If you don't get offered enough money, you decline with a smile and forget about it. Secondly, with Hasper's education and job, serious orthography mistakes like mistaking article for conjunction would not happen ("dass/das" and certain other things; Hasper knows how to be articulate). Thirdly, the "Hasper" of the e-mail seems to assume that the German recording sessions were already done (and even TTG hasn't had the last english recording session). If translation was done in parallel to the English version, we'd have an announcement by now. Nothing, including the fact that the poster only posted twice, points towards authenticity. Don't waste sleep over this.
Seh ich genauso.